The Magician

Inventive, Manifestation, Potential
- You have the knowledge you need. Now use your skills to spot misgivings.
- You have creative power and energy to create a new life cycle for yourself.
- Feel that strong sense of optimism. Apply each initiative with skill.
- You will provide solutions. You will use your existing knowledge and networks to clear a path.
- The universe is impartial. It is your energy that matters most. Go for it!
- Take stock of your resources. Accentuate the positive.

Trickery, Manipulation, Potential
Clarity is sought. Vulnerability makes you a target for manipulation. Where are you focusing your energy? Are your objectives clear? What skill can you apply? Be authentic! What change can make you a better person? Are you spiritual? Can you allow your intuition to let yourself feel spiritual? Believing in yourself means presenting yourself as a believer in you!