The Hierophant

Conventional, Institutional, Tradition
You have it in you to honor your own traditions. The following of rituals can help you feel grounded. Keep working on what matters to you while building your support group. People upset by your boundaries show why you need them. Who are you truly aligned with? When you do what is expected of you, you prove what you can contain, and are ready to grow into a bigger version of yourself. There is always room for a new mentor or guide to help you expand.

Rebel, Maverick, Confinement
- What could you accomplish if the the rules were taken away? What then, really, are the rules?
- Stop looking for external approval of success. Learn from within.
- Are you just going to autopilot your way to the grave?
- How do other people control you? Defining how you should respond? Knowing you want to make them happy? How much do you bend?
- If you can handle the consequence, you can make the choice.
- Shine a light through any crack you see!