
Fierce, Endurance, Courage
Challenging situations bring growth and maturity. Master your impulses and take responsibility. Face fears with courage and patience. Release your inner strength. You have great stamina and persistence. Tempered by an underlying patience and an inner calm. By being accepting, you create a safe and trusting environment where you can gently influence others. Have you mastered your raw, foundational emotions? Look at things from a place of love and compassion.

Anxious, Doubt, Apprehension
It can be hard to be positive and confident at all times. The future is unknown and doubt is a standard human feeling. Is your doubt rightly placed? Move towards doubt and respond to the uncovered truth. This will put you in touch with your inner strength and indomitable will. Do not let other people's actions and feelings dicate your own. Drop instinctual reactions and return to your rituals and systems. Do not lash out at others at this time. This is your situation to resolve. Refocus, Heed, Return. Be your true self and find your strength.