The Hermit

Soul Searching, Reflection, Truth
Seeking truth tends to be a solo journey. Are you seeking to discover truth more than to share it? Other people will find themselves on their solo journey. Seek first to understand. Do not seek to share.
You define your core values. Align your body and mind. Retreat if necessary to accomplish this goal.
Let yourself move inward! Honor the wisdom within yourself.
What do I have that is only mine?
- Realizing your mind's potential thru introspection and contemplation gathers self-confidence.
- Isolation is not loneliness.
- It is better to share your wisdom with people that seek you out, rather than to share it with people you are seeking out.

Loneliness, Confinement, Withdraw
- Have you heard from your calm self lately or is your angry self running the narrative?
- Rebuild yourself from your right self. Let that self dictate the time you spend alone and how you spend it.
- Connecting with a higher self can make you feel less alone. That higher self could simply be the best version of you. Find it!
- Bring yourself to a state of non-being, then listen to what you have to say.
- If you find you have something to share, do it gently.
- Freedom comes thru working to achieve inner perfection. Find the teacher within. Let the goal become the source.