
Law, Objective, Fairness
Remain as impartial as possible. Keep your emotions in check! Get the facts before you get involved. You may be a small part of a large system but you still matter. Events have worked out as they were meant to work out. Be for truth no matter who tells it. If you are in alignment with yourself and the greater good of others, what could go wrong?

Injustice, Unfair, Delinquency
- Are you taking full accountability for your actions? Deal with things and silence your inner critic.
- Be mindful of how you judge or criticize others. Make sure you have a balanced view before you judge or criticize others.
- If you have done everything you can, file grievances under lessons learned and move on.
- If you feel you were in the wrong, correct it. Without any manipulation.
- Situational responses bring enthusiasm or hesitation. Consider how your feel, then act.
- Change your words to the most positive ones you can still believe to be true.