The Tower

Destruction, Abrupt Change
Has your world shifted? Transform your attitude about previous beliefs. Rebuild yourself. Start with what you like. What structures in your life are breaking up? How is this an awakening? Are you carefully hiding parts of your self? Leaves fall and the trees give up the view; Lies will fall away, leaving you... Sometimes a breakdown begins a break thru! What's happening in your physical world? What are your feelings of comfort rooted in? A tower experience forces the questioning of sincerely held beliefs. True Security in life is more than what lies ahead.

Warning, Avoidance, Fearing Change
- Are you delaying something inevitable? Think big! Take big leaps! Consider your path forward and all possible outcomes.
- If you experienced a drastic change, are you thinking correctly about preventative measures?
- When you instigate change, be prepared to fill the negative spaces with positive goals.
- What story about yourself can be questioned right now? Are you feeding your own unhealthy narrative?
- Sometimes I must find a way to love something or someone; Often, I do.
- Is your good nature evolving as the old structures dissolve around you?