The Star

Hope, Renewal, Inspiration, Serenity
You should have faith. Trust in your faith. Be open to new ideas and growth. Rediscover the sense of the still, small voice inside of you; That voice brings a fresh perspective. Honor the person you are and you will find joy in authenticity. As you become aware of your authentic self, you can encourage others to be theirs. Enjoy a welcome repreive from turmoil. Find your peaceful mindset, use your core essence. Choose the highest version of yourself! You can't connect the dots looking forward, only looking back.

Uninspired, Adrift, In the Dark
You're trying to find your way out of the darkness. Is your spiritual mission in tact? Are you dwelling in negativity? What is discouraging you? Are you in a rut? You may be feeling tested. Will you come out positively? Call out what is bothering you. Have you lost faith and hope in the universe? What could be the deeper life lesson? Reconnect to that which is important to you! Take time out for self-care. Make time just for you. Get near or in water!