The Moon

Surreal, Subconscious, Anxiety
Resolve your inner issues. Pay attention to natural cycles. Listen! Feel a situation and then think about it. Are you projecting fear into your present situation or your future ideas? Don't! Spend time hearing from yourself and put hope and love into everything. Do not let fear rule your actions.

Confusion, Mixed Signals, Unhappiness
You may not be receiving clear signals from your own intuition. Are you questioning yourself? Not believing in or even hearing your own thoughts? Do not give up! Journeys inward are thru both dark and light passages. Free yourself from self deception! Work THRU your fears. Explore a single 'What if?' It is possible to create balance in your life. Balance can include your needs and wants. What are you dreaming? Is that what you want? Or is it what you want disguised? Do not ignore messages because of the messenger. Feel your feelings without self promotion.