Three of Cups

Celebration, Friendship, Community
- Take time to drop the hassles and enjoy the company of friends and loved ones.
- Maintain balance between commitments and compassions.
- Make today the conclusion of any ongoing problems. Settle it. Even if only with yourself.
- What flows from you will eventually flow to you. It's that simple. That is the universe.
- There are people who believe in you so much that your failures become invisible. Who do you affect the same?
- Reconnect. Reach out. Like nothing else matters.
Spending time with other like-minded individuals can be refreshing and reassuring. This should be done in person and not online!

Conformity, People-Pleasing
If a group isn't for you, there is another group ready to accept you as you are. Don't claim something for someone else's comfort. Be yourself and find your comfort. When you are centered, reconnect with what you may have lost touch with. Who is the third person in what could be a two person relationship? If you sense a loss of happiness, or feel like something has fallen thru, ask yourself 'would I prefer to go it alone?' Life can be disillusioning and friends may fail us. Get clear on who you most want to connect with and take time now with that person.