Five of Cups

Disappointment, Setback, Perspective
- Forgive and move forward with new boundaries to protect yourself. When your joy is the only thing left to steal, hold on!
- When considering your reasons for negative feelings, accept the losses and remember what you have. Spiral up and away from negativity.
- Forgive yourself when harboring resentments. Do not allow that power over you. Review it and release it.
- Don't let people bring you down when they let you down. You are not responsible for their happiness.
- Love that is given is not lost. Give your love beyond the receiver knowing all benefit from a kinder world.
- Find someone to love unselfishly who will appreciate it most. Whatever you do, do it and let go. Lingering in sadness prolongs your oppressor's victory.

Moving On, Acceptance, Forgiveness
Recover from regret. There are hidden blessings behind obvious disappointments. Seek new emotional outlets. Are you feeling like a failure and are afraid to talk about it? Now might be the time to open up. Find someone you trust. Forgive yourself and move on.
- Personally say you're sorry.
- Personally ask for forgiveness.
- Personally be grateful for the moment.
- Move on. Personally MOVE ON.
You cannot undo the past. Let go of what doesn't serve you.