Eight of Swords

Limitation, Confinement, Restriction
- Accepting your life on its current terms does not mean you are settling. Acceptance allows you to view your situation from multiple perspectives.
- Avoid complacency. Knowing yourself and your limits should lead to freedom and not a feeling of being trapped.
- Make patient decisions. You can grow from the choices that created your past experiences. Use your power wisely.
- There is no way to be completely unrestricted and still be living. Belief systems are fences that provide freedoms. Get a workable philosophy.
- Victimhood as a role limits yourself to the opinions of others. Rise above with intellect and intuition.
- Get out of your head. Trust yourself. If your thoughts and beliefs are not serving you, who are they serving?

Awakening, Liberation, Open to Change
True freedom comes from simply being yourself! Live your best life by learning from past mistakes. Accept yourself for exactly who you are. Let go of old patterns of behavior or belief systems that have held you back. You have come thru a difficult time. Refuse to be a victim of your own life. You have better examples of what does and does not work, so honor those examples.
"When we change our perception, we gain control." - Greg Anderson