Five of Wands

Competition, Rivalry
- Being seen and heard, listened to and understood is everyone's desire. You must do it for someone else while you hope someone does it for you.
- Fight to listen, then understand, then fight to be understood.
- Find a constructive environment to test your thoughts and the thoughts of others.
- To come to terms with the life around you, release the expectation that others should already be attuned to your needs.
- If you can generate the energy of love and understanding, you can first apply it to yourself.
- Be sure the people you are close to have your best intentions in mind.

Avoid Conflict, Compromise, Truce
In the act of avoidance, one tends to scatter their energy. Prolonging conflict can make it worse. Choose your battles. What are your internal conflicts? Who do you know with strong views? Sometimes there is no right answer, just the answer that is right for you. Align your head and your heart to find your truth. Stop avoiding!